
Periodic health and safety training for engineering staff

Training goals

The purpose of periodic health and safety training is to familiarize the employee with current regulations and acquire skills in the fields of:

  • identification and assessment of workplace hazards,
  • organization of work and workstations in accordance with the requirements of occupational health and safety
  • eliminating or reducing hazards caused by factors present in the work environment.


Training participants

Periodic OHS training in this group is intended for engineering and technical employees, in particular designers, construction workers, and production organizers. We also organize such training as part of our OHS service for companies.

How training is organized

Periodic health and safety training is conducted in the form of a seminar, course, or guided self-education. During the program, we place great emphasis on the practical use of knowledge, the development of participants' awareness and problem-solving skills. We combine theory with practice! As a result, we achieve high student satisfaction. Classes are conducted by a team of experienced lecturers who have extensive theoretical knowledge supported by many years of practice. The training process is strengthened by the use of appropriate teaching methods (e.g., videos and presentations) and active teaching techniques (e.g., case studies, Edward De Bono's 6 Hats method). During training, we put a lot of emphasis on practical exercises (e.g., participants learn first aid on a training dummy).

Frequency of periodic training

  • The first recurrent training must be carried out within 12 months of employment.
  • The next periodic training for employees should be carried out once every 5 years.

We also organize courses as part of our comprehensive service for companies in the field of health and safety. We also invite you to take advantage of the offer of periodic health and safety training courses for administration employees and employers.