
Periodic health and safety training for people in administrative and office positions

Training objective

The purpose of periodic health and safety training is to familiarize the employee with current regulations and acquire skills in the fields of:

  • assessment of hazards related to the work performed,
  • methods of protection against threats to the health and safety of employees,
  • shaping working conditions in a manner consistent with the provisions and principles of occupational health and safety,
  • procedures in the event of an accident and in emergency situations.


Participants of training

Periodic health and safety training in this category is intended for administrative and office employees. They may also be attended by medical service personnel, teachers, those in educational institutions, scientific and research units, and other people whose work is associated with exposure to harmful or dangerous health factors or those with responsibility in the field of occupational health and safety. We also offer training for companies in the field of health and safety.

How training is organized

Periodic health and safety training is conducted in the form of a seminar, course, or guided self-education. During the program, we place great emphasis on the practical use of knowledge, the development of participants' awareness and skills in solving problems. We combine theory with practice! As a result, we achieve high student satisfaction. Classes are conducted by a team of experienced lecturers who have extensive theoretical knowledge supported by many years of practice. The training process is strengthened by the use of appropriate teaching methods (e.g., videos and presentations) and active teaching techniques (e.g., case studies, Edward De Bono's 6 Hats method). During training, we put a lot of emphasis on practical exercises (e.g., participants learn first aid on a training dummy).

Participants in periodic health and safety training organized in the form of guided self-education receive the appropriate materials that enable the assimilation of knowledge and skills covered by the training program (i.e., scripts, regulations, sets of control questions).

Frequency of periodic training

  • for administrative, office employees, and others (including teachers and medical personnel) once every 6 to 5 years*

*in the positions where work is associated with harmful, dangerous and exhausting working conditions, or with responsibility in the field of occupational health and safety.

The first recurrent training must be carried out within 12 months of employment.

We also organize periodic training for technical and engineering staff and for employers.