
Periodic health and safety training for employees in positions with particular hazards

Training objective

The purpose of the training is to familiarize the employee with current regulations and to acquire skills in the fields of:

  • regulations and principles of occupational health and safety related to the work performed,
  • hazards related to the work performed and methods of protection against these hazards,
  • procedures in the event of an accident and in emergency situations.

Participants in training

This training is intended for people employed in blue-collar positions.



How we organize training

We conduct OHS training in the form of instructions. During the classes, we place great emphasis on practical aspects as well as the awareness and skills of the participants. It aims to improve safety in your work environment.

We adapt training programs to a given industry and combine theory with practice! Thanks to this, we achieve high satisfaction among participants. Classes are conducted by a team of experienced lecturers who have extensive theoretical knowledge and many years of practical experience.

We make the training process more dynamic through the use of appropriate teaching methods (e.g., videos and presentations) and active teaching techniques (e.g., case studies, learning through experience, and using elements of group training). During training, we place great emphasis on practical exercises (e.g., participants learn first aid on a training dummy).

Frequency of periodic training

The first recurrent training course must be carried out within 12 months of employment. Subsequent periodic health and safety training courses for employees should be carried out in this case before the end of a year cycle (this applies only to employees in positions with high exposure to risk, such as work in high places (scaffolding, radio towers, etc.), demolition work, and work where hazardous materials are used).

We also invite you to attend OHS training courses for office administration employees, technical staff, employers, and workers.