
OHS audit

Who needs an OHS audit?

First and foremost, THE EMPLOYERS! By law, the employer is responsible for ensuring occupational health and safety in the workplace. This responsibility is enforced by a number of regulations (e.g., Article 220 of the Penal Code, which deals with the criminal liability of the employer). It may result in material losses, withheld insurance claim payments, and insurance payouts for victims and their families.


Audyt BHP

The purpose of a health and safety audit is to protect the health and safety of employees. To ensure an appropriate level of safety, the knowledge and awareness of the employer are indispensable. This, in turn, is not possible without a thorough safety analysis. It doesn't matter whether you, as an employer, own a large or small business. The audit will allow you to look through the eyes of specialists at the actual state of occupational health and safety in your company.

Remember! Ignorance does not exempt one from responsibility. Schedule an audit. We will analyze and suggest what to do to improve the safety and security of your company.

What is an OHS audit?

An audit is a "side view" and, at the same time, a form of evaluation. It answers the question of how your company manages to comply with workplace conditions and health and safety regulations.

The form and scope of the audit are determined individually, depending on the client's needs and expectations. It can be carried out once or cyclically. As part of the audit, we offer, among others:

  • To check the workplaces in terms of existing safety measures and ensure their compliance with health and safety regulations,
  • Occupational risk assessment in terms of the requirements indicated by the National Labor Inspectorate or Health Inspectorate,
  • To check medical examinations and proper OHS training of employees,
  • To check what preventive measures are taken by the company to reduce the number of accidents at work,
  • To check how the first-aid system works in practice,
  • To measure harmful factors in the work environment

The result of the audit is a report that we submit and discuss with a representative of the company. Our goal is not to point out errors or omissions, but to indicate areas that need improvement. Finally, we suggest solutions that can contribute to improving safety and working conditions in the company.

The audit can be a one-time order or cyclical, covered by the service, which is a constant service for companies in the field of health and safety; then it is free for customers. In the case of a one-off order, the price is determined individually based on the scope of the audit.

Don't delay! The basis of action is a good plan.

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