
What licenses are acquired during a UDT course?

The Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) is a state institution whose activities focus on ensuring the safety of technical devices such as forklifts, platforms, overhead cranes, etc. A very important function of UDT is the certification of management systems, people, and products. It is this institution that conducts qualifying exams and grants UDT licenses. However, in order to gain the necessary practical and theoretical knowledge in this field, it is necessary to complete a UDT course.

What does a completed UDT course give you?

A completed UDT course gives you the opportunity to take the qualifying exam and obtain a UDT license in the field of operation and maintenance of technical devices. Participation in the course is very important because, in this way, you can acquire the necessary practical and theoretical knowledge that is useful not only to pass the exam, but also in the workplace. Participants acquire the skills and knowledge required by law in the labor code, safety rules, applicable legal regulations, UDT requirements, etc. They acquire a solid preparation necessary to operate overhead cranes, lift trucks, mobile platforms, and passenger-cargo lifts. Great emphasis is placed on safety.

Our company organizes specialized training for forklifts, mobile elevating work platforms, overhead traveling cranes, and other such devices, which comprehensively prepares for passing the UDT exam and obtaining the certificate required by the Office of Technical Inspection.

UDT course completed; what's next?

Those who have completed the UDT course and want to take the exam should submit an application to the appropriate local unit of the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT). After successfully passing the exam, UDT licenses are issued in the form of a plastic card (delivered by mail to the address specified on the application). With such a license, you can apply for work in certain professions, such as:

  • crane operator,
  • overhead crane operator
  • crane mechanic
  • overhead crane mechanic
  • forklifts with mechanical lifting mechanism operator
  • forklifts with mechanical lifting mechanism mechanic
  • person in charge of refueling portable tanks (propane/butane).

In accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC of September 7, 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, UDT licenses issued in Poland are also recognized in the EU and in the member states of the European Free Trade Association, including Norway and Iceland. At the request of the applicant, it is possible to confirm the obtained certificate with a document in English.