
How is initial health and safety training conducted?

Initial health and safety training applies to every employee, regardless of seniority or position held. It cannot be "avoided". Today we will try to answer the questions regarding this type of training, including: how long does it take or does it require special preparation from the employee?

Who organizes OHS training in the company?

The employer is responsible for organizing OHS training in the company. In accordance with the current legal status, each employee must know the regulations and health and safety rules that apply to them before starting to perform the duties resulting from their position. This is the only way to guarantee the proper execution of their duties. Initial health and safety training consists of two parts: general training and workplace training. All employees must participate in such training.

It is important that initial occupational health and safety training be covered equally by the employed people as well as those who want to do student or vocational training as part of practical vocational training. Pursuant to Art. 2373 § 1 of the Labor Code, the employer does not have the right to allow people who do not have the required licenses or skills required for a given position to work. And the same applies to those without sufficient knowledge of the regulations and principles of occupational health and safety.

What is a general health and safety training?

The term “Instruction” is used to describe training that lasts a minimum of two lesson hours and is conducted in a direct manner. It is not possible to do it via the Internet or using e-learning platforms. It is carried out before starting independent work by people who want to work for a given employer. Although the regulations do not specify it precisely, it is worth training not only "full-time employees", but also those employed under a contract of mandate or self-employed. The employer is responsible for his employees, regardless of the type of binding contract between them.

General training should include an introduction and discussion on general health and safety rules in the company, present the scope of duties of both employers and employees, along with specifying the consequences for violating the rules or health and safety regulations in the company. General instruction should also include the presentation of the rules for the use of technical devices, order, and cleanliness in the workplace, or the rules of fire prevention and what to do in the event of a fire or an accident.

What is on-the-job training?

On-the-job training is a type of detailed occupational health and safety training, that aims to familiarize the employee with the hazards present in the position held by him, methods of protection against possible health or life hazards, and methods of safe work. On-the-job OHS training is conducted in several parts. The first element is a conversation with the employee, followed by a demonstration and explanation by the instructor of all activities that concern the employee in connection with the activities for which he is responsible as included in the contract. During this training, the employee has the opportunity to see his workstation and its equipment. In the case of office workers, this part usually lasts about 1.5 hours, and in the case of employees performing work exposed to harmful, arduous, or dangerous factors, - about 6 hours.